When a person’s time is up on planet Earth, and they step into eternity, what happens next?

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Discover the Message of Salvation

Hell Can Be Avoided.

We recognize your fear and confusion about hell and your yearning for salvation. To achieve this, it’s essential to embrace Jesus Christ as your savior and seek His forgiveness for your sins. We believe you deserve clarity on the potential consequences after death. Break free from the grip of fear and confusion associated with hell.


Share The Message of Salvation

Time is Running Out.

We recognize the urgency you feel in wanting to share your faith with your loved ones. That’s why Joe Herzanek, a former prison chaplain and founder of Changing Lives Ministry, has brought together What About Hell Ministry. Our purpose is to assist Christians in openly discussing their faith and raising awareness about the concept of eternal Hell and how to avoid it.



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You can know for sure where you go when your time is up.

